Wednesday, October 27, 2010

never trust a skinny chef - james beard

The benefits of going to a university in the same building as a prestigious culinary school is not only getting to meet these up and coming chefs but to have class with their professors. And we were oh-so lucky to have a lecture one day with Chef Tiziano Rossetti (also the head chef of the ALMA gala dinner...) ps - he is skinny. not fat at all. but i trust him. he was fantastic.
he made for us: 
shrimp with caw-we-flahwer poached in water
risotto with sweet pumpkin, aromatic rosemary and acitdic balsamic in chicken stock 
steamed fished with chopped herbs
fried fish 
-> demonstrations of heat transfers through different mediums. 
Sweet n' Sour Sauce: 500mL, white vinegar, 200g white sugar - whisk together. easy-peasy. add ginger, radish, hotness...whatever. whatever your heart desires.
just a little bit. piccolo. 
just don't show Jules how to add salt to a least not in our apt....
it's like a rain shower.

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