Monday, April 26, 2010


while waiting for the bread to cook, we came back from a walk around the village and snacked on some freshly peeled lemons sprinkled with sea salt. there were three different local papers that each had articles about the “gran tour gastronomica de aspromante” - basically about the 28 people from all around the world, studying at UNISG, and here in the area to study the local foods, cultures, traditions etc. they listed all of nationalities and yes, i was the “irlanda.” woot. 

 calabrian newspaper #1: "in aspromonte il gran tour di 28 esperti del gusto" - aka in aspromonte the gran tour of 28 experts of taste." i think.

 calabrian newspaper #2: "all scoperta dei sapori che identificano i luoghi - dall'australia al giappone: 28 studenti vell'area grecanica" aka to discover the flavors that identify a place - from australia to japan: 28 students come to the grecanic/calabrian area....rough translation.

calabrian newspaper #3: aspromonte, i segreti della gastronomia svelati nel "gran tour" - l'iniziativa e riservata a trenta studenti-studiosi dell'universita di pollenzo e colorno, unica al mondo" aka the gastronomic secrets of aspromonte are revealed with the "gran tour" - an initiative restricted only to 30 international students from the university in pollenzo and colorno...

the "gran tour" is us!! christina, the president of slow food calabria explained to us that in the 17th C people would travel around Europe, curious about getting in contact with culture, people, and traditions of other places, and couldn't be considered an "intellectual" if not part of this tour. she said they considered us the intellectuals of today. HA!

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